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The Why Behind Our Fabric Choices: Embracing 100% Cotton, Linens & Beautiful Blend Fabrics at Summer Reign

The Why Behind Our Fabric Choices: Embracing 100% Cotton, Linens & Beautiful Blend Fabrics at Summer Reign

Let's take a  dive deep into something that’s super close to our hearts (and your comfort!)—why we choose to craft our clothing from 100% Cotton, Linens & Beautiful Blend Fabrics at Summer Reign
Megan Eley
My Breastfeeding top tips – From one regular Mama to another

My Breastfeeding top tips – From one regular Mama to another

Now I am no expert when it comes to Breastfeeding. I am just a regular Mama that has been breastfeeding her son for 2 years now and have learnt quite a few tips and tricks along the way.  I have had a pretty wild Breastfeeding journey that maybe I can chat about sometime, so I have definitely picked up on a lot of do’s and don’ts and also some things I wish I had of done or had of known about before my son was born.

So here I am passing my experience onto you as I definitely wish that as a new mum I had of read something like this from a fellow mum. So go grab a cup of tea, of your favourite Hot chocolate, relax and have a read. X

Megan Eley
Me time indulgence ideas for busy mums

Me time indulgence ideas for busy mums

Mamas, are you feeling a little run down? Maybe a little short for time? Life gets so busy with babies, toddlers and young kids that it can be tough trying to find the right balance between motherhood and “me” time. Because let’s face it, kids take up ALOT of our time, attention, and energy. 
Megan Eley